Summit 10 lemonade iced tea by A1 Cannabis
THC: 10mg
Cannabis blend
Ingredients: Water, Sugar, Black tea extract, Natural flavour, Citric acid, Sodium benzoate, Potassium sorbate, Food additive preparation, Cannabis extract
Summit 10 lemonade iced tea by A1 Cannabis offers us something for the summer months, when we crave a nice cold iced tea. This iced tea for me however, was disappointing.
I found it watery, weak in tea flavour and not sweet at all. No sweetness is a good thing, a lot of people prefer unsweetened iced tea and you can always add sweetener to it if you want, I just didn't like the flavour of this iced tea. I can see this as a base for a mixed drink, perhaps adding fresh lemon to it will help.
Summit10 has 10mg of THC per bottle, so you get the maximum dose allowed on the edibles market. I wasn't able to find out if this drink is fast-acting, and I didn't drink the whole bottle so I didn't feel much however it seemed like it might be fast-acting, most cannabis drinks are.
I have read some very positive reviews about this drink in cannabis forums, so if you like iced tea, it's worth a try. Canadians are used to the powdered, ultra sweet iced tea, if that's you, you won't like this iced tea. If you're a fan of fresh brewed and unsweetened, you might like this tea, for me I prefer a stronger tea flavour.
I liked it very much. I am not a pot smoker so just the tiniest hint of THC will do it for me. I only drink half of the bottle and it was very smooth I mixed it with my ice tea couldn’t taste any residual of Pot
Absolutely love this tea! All the flavours are great tasting, I think the raspberry is my favourite. I’m Canadian and I don’t like sweet teas like you said. I make my own iced tea at home and I wants to taste the tea, not the sugar. The effects are nice. I usually enjoy these when I’m planning a long walk with the dog, or if I’m just spending the afternoon rearranging my kitchen cupboards… like today 🙂