Here you'll find reviews for any cannabis product that can be ingested, from oils and sprays to chocolates.

Edibles Menu

Edibles Guide

Before you try edibles it's best to familiarize yourself with dose and how edibles work

Weed Mama has provided an edibles guide if you're new to cannabis to help you get started.

Some edibles are fast-acting, this means they'll have an onset of around 15 min. and a duration of about an hour. Fast-acting edibles will usually be called "xpress" "quick" or "rapid" on the packaging however not all fast-acting edibles are labelled on the packaging. Fast-acting edibles will be labelled in the review menu. All beverages are fast-acting.

Edibles have a maximum dose per package of 10mg in Canada. If you need a stronger dose buy capsules or oils as these products have much higher dosing options.

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