Weed Mama is lucky to have access to so many talented and badass women in the cannabis space!


Jessie Macpherson

@jessiemacphersontarot on Instagram
Local weed witch Jessie Macpherson practices magic, writes and reads Tarot in Vancouver, BC. She is well known for her empathetic and insightful personal readings for private clients and at events including the monthly Mary Jane Brunch. Jessie appears with Cindy Tran on CanWeedine’s #W3-Weed Women Wednesdays series on YouTube discussing women’s cannabis history through the lens of the Tarot and has been a guest on Expert Joints.
She teaches empowering classes at spaces such as Hervana and Zenden. Jessie also works her magic by donating her reading skills to charities including Vancouver Friends for Life’s Bingo For Life and Neuterhead, RAICES and New York’s Third Wave Fund.
Her magical work is unabashedly kitschy, joyful, artistic and grounded in compassion and kindness. Jessie loves a good sesh and making magic with weed mamas.
Monthly tarotscopes

Danielle Simone Brand

Danielle Simone Brand

Danielle Simone Brand is a freelance writer and the author of Weed Mom: The Canna-Curious Woman's Guide to Healthier Relaxation, Happier Parenting, and Chilling TF Out (Ulysses Press, 2020).
A few years ago, she wouldn't have self-described as a "weed mom" but she's found her sparkle in writing about cannabis to inform, uplift, and occasionally challenge her readers while helping push the conversation forward. 
Her articles have appeared in numerous publications including New York TimesThe WeekCivilizedViceDouble BlindWhat’s Up Moms, and Scary Mommy. She holds a BA from Dartmouth College and an MA from American University and has worked as a yoga teacher and trainer, a staff writer, and a researcher on issues of international conflict resolution. Danielle lives in the Northwest with her family and a very barky terrier


Kassandra Sison

@puff.puff.kass on Instagram
Wife and mama to two little ones, I've been a fan of recreational cannabis use since I was young, earning me the nickname Bodacious Kass (thanks, stereotypes) but I came back to it for therapeutic purposes post-legalization after dealing with chronic (no pun intended) pain and exacerbated anxiety from an auto accident.
Realizing the potential of the cannabis plant for low or moderate use has been really exciting. There's a lot of work to do to educate others, and de-stigmatize the use of this plant for its healing and beneficial properties. As women we're under so much pressure, and as mothers, we're hardest on ourselves. To me, cannabis is no different than coffee, tea and essential oils. If used properly, it can contribute to your wellness practice in ways that can revitalize you, and help you sleep, relax, or tackle things your mind and body are preventing you from handling like the badass mama you really are. Let’s dismantle the idea that it is dirty, grungy, and that unproductive stoners and hippies are the only kind out there. I still see nothing wrong with hippies, but I digress… let’s change the game and take back our lives! I’m rooting for you.