New school cannabis accessories: Pipes get an update

In Cannabis, Products, Reviews, The Parlour by Weed MamaLeave a Comment

The Parlour: Posh Pipes

by Kassandra Sison

As a mom, there’s a few things that I consider when I’m shopping around. Durability. We can’t have nice things. Two bongs have already met a fateful end (although those were both very much my fault) and I already have too many chotchkies around my house so I want to be mindful about what I purchase and who those purchases support. Is it something I want to, and if so, can easily hide? Again, bongs are problematic.  In recent years, a lot more attention has been given to the pipe and its aesthetic limitations and I for one, am grateful. Fortunately for us, we now have pretty, gold-speckled, gemstone and wood carved pieces and of course, premium glass in a variety of colours, textures and design elements. 

The Gemstone Pipe

$49 CAD – Leaff 

This is about as bougie as I get. And I will 100% admit to all of you fine friends that I was in lust with this beauty on looks alone.  The opposite of grunge, gemstone pipes feel feminine… almost  magical and ethereal, perfect for a nature loving gal or a full moon ceremony. Rose quartz is associated with unconditional love, and is said to support self-love and acceptance, as well as friendship and healing.  Thank you, I’ll take two. 

And you know what?  I was RIGHT. This pipe is simple, feminine and gorgeous. 

Here’s where the mombrain hit. I can’t  smoke in my house. No full moon bath ritual for this Mama. Fuck. It’s okay, I can still use it while meditating, setting my intentions for goal setting or any other check-in you like to do with yourself. The bowl is small enough that you could treat it as a taster, just a lil bit or you could pack a big, tight bowl and take a trip to lungmageddon.  Careful what you put in here, folks. You’re going to want smooth-hitting herb only. I’m looking at you, pink death bubba.  The tunnel the smoke travels down is pretty short, and there is no choke so just teeny little tokes, Friend. Otherwise the whole damn neighbourhood will know exactly what you’re up to. (They already know, just own it.)

Marley Naturals Taster

$22 CAD – The Village Bloomery

The travel buddy:
As much as I love the gemstone pipe, it doesn’t travel well. So, I set out to find something portable for when I’m out for a walk or hike. Then, I got lucky. I won this beauty, the Marley Naturals one-hitter at the village bloomery re-opening extravaganza. Sleek and portable, (two items checked off the list) this piece has a small bowl, tiny overall surface area and is easy to clean.  Probably due to its elegant wooden mouthpiece, this one hitter feels more adult and substantial and yes, more masculine.  

It hits smooth and with a well clever design,  pulls the smoke towards you slowly.  Due to its transparency it shows use quickly and while it takes very little to clean, it does require frequent upkeep. It’s become my go-to for a garden toke, or a little hit before bed. 

The Charlotte pipe

$45 – LaundryDay

The tabletop piece:
Still on my quest to find my perfect  pipe and happy with my taster, I decided to expand my limited collection of glass. You may or may not know that I have a teeeny tiny shopping problem. Laundry Day pipes came onto the scene and I was intrigued. The entire line plays with lines and geometry, and the smokewear was popping up everywhere.  The Charlotte pipe has great shape and the smoke looks and feels like a seductive snake as it billows through and around the finger piece. 

This baby is gorgeous. It feels substantial in my hands, but has a unique shape and density to it. I am drawn to its dreamy lines and am absolutely in love with the colour. They recently came out with a milky glass colour and OMG I WANT IT. See? Shopping problem. However,  I do feel a little bit better about these choices because by opting to support local, female-owned businesses I am voting with my dollars where consumerism counts. The industry is new, and we have an opportunity to shape it. If people don’t support new artists, retailers won’t carry them, or will be reluctant to give them a large footprint in their stores (online or brick and mortar).   Ask your local retailers for information on their suppliers and learn about local artisans in your area. 

There are a few other items on my wishlist, and I’m always on the hunt for local makers so if you have any recommendations for Canadian brands, entrepreneurs and business owners DM me on Insta. That’s how this works, right?

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