Blue Raspberry Radsicles by RAD
THC : 10mg
Ingredients: Water, Natural Sweetener and artificial sweetener, Flavouring and colouring agents, Preservative, Maltodextrin, Cannabis Extract.
First of all, before I dive into this review I'd like you to notice this packaging of these edibles. The Canadian government made a limit of 10mg of THC per edible and packaging restrictions to protect kids from eating a THC edible by mistake. Now, does this popsicle look much different than a Mr. Freeze?
As a parent I take responsibility for what's in my house, if I buy this freezie I have to educate my kids about cannabis and label it with warnings and hide it in my freezer to keep them from eating it. That's my job as a parent. What bothers me is the entire industry has these tight regulations to protect minors yet they allow a product like this, what's the point?
Rant over, time for the review...
New to the market is Radsicles by a company called RAD (Really Awesome Dope) and I really wanted to like them because they look like fun. The problem is they don't taste great.
My husband didn't like the texture, he found it too creamy, I actually like the texture it was the taste that's not great. It has a strong flavour that's not blue raspberry but rather what many edibles taste like on the market, and that's the cannabis extract flavour.
What's good about them is they're 10mg and nice and cold for sitting by the pool. They do come in other flavours: Grape, Cherry and Cream Soda which might be better, I love blue raspberry slushies and freezies but this didn't have that familiar taste for me.
They weren't terrible either and the budtender raved about how good they were, so of course it's personal preference. It's worth a try just for the fun, just expect them to have that cannabis extract taste.
Most concentrate based edibles I’ve tried have that “weed” tang/bite however it can be described. Most baked goods I’ve even had in 20 years of usage had a taste to them it’s almost impossible not to. Personally if I’m consuming marijuana product I find it assuring that it taste like what it’s source is as I come to expect that taste and enjoy it. The only gummies and drinks I’ve had that had such subtle weed taste were super sweet to mask followed by the bite still which I find the sugar load unsettling to my palate. My two cents.